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Bensteel announces 2.85Mtpa steel capacity replacement scheme

In accordance with relevant guidelines and implementation measures issued by the State Council and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the steelmaking capacity replacement scheme by Bensteel Group Co., Ltd. has been made public by the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Liaoning Province.

According to the scheme, Benxi Steel Plates Co., Ltd. will build two 100-ton electric furnaces for steelmaking capacity of 1.5Mtpa, and Benxi Beiying Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. will build a 120-ton rotary furnace with capacity of 1.35Mtpa.

The new furnaces, with a total steelmaking capacity of 2.85Mtpa, are scheduled to come on stream in October 2024. As part of the capacity replacement, the two companies will shut down three existing furnaces with basically the same capacity combined before the new ones become operational.